LEGO MASTERS AUSTRALIA Season 3 (2021) Review
LEGO MASTERS Australia is a largely popular Australian reality TV show which follows eight teams of two LEGO nerds as they battle for the title of 'LEGO Masters'. The third season of the show wrapped up this past week after an exciting and fun five weeks.

The first two seasons of LEGO MASTERS Australia were absolutely phenomenal. It was a new and electrifying way to display reality TV. Those first two seasons set the bar high for the third. Although I did feel that there were a couple of small aspects which perhaps weren't as creative as the earlier seasons, these were too small to make the season noticeably worse.

One of the best things about this show is that it doesn't take itself too seriously. Reality TV in Australia really isn't reality anymore. It usually puts real people into real situations with many camera and editing tricks as well as manipulation from producers to make the show seem more dramatic. When LEGO MASTERS was first introduced to Australian televisions, it was taking quite a risk by not overdramatising things. LEGO MASTERS always tries to keep things as real as possible and eliminate any 'drama' between teams. If ever host Hamish Blake felt that the audience needs to be invested a bit more, he would casually make up some (what he calls) drama whilst making fun of other TV shows in the process.
Something else which made LEGO MASTERS the go-to show was how nice everyone on the show was. There was no arguing between contestants and the humour was always kept to classic Aussie family humour. And of course the humour that was there was absolutely hilarious. Hamish Blake could easily be crowned the funniest man on Australian screens.

Of course I now need to mention the incredible LEGO that was built on the show. If this show doesn't inspire you to buy your own LEGO set then I don't know what will. The things that were created on LEGO MASTERS were beyond imagination. It was astonishing and breathtaking when there was the final reveal with the expensive cameras and mood lighting. There would always be multiple 'wows' as my family crowded around the TV.
An integral part of LEGO MASTERS was the judge of the show and the only LEGO Certified Professional in Australia. Ryan McNaught, or known better as Brickman, is the nicest reality TV show judge I have ever seen. He would always shed a tear when he had to send a team home. It was truly inspirational to see a grown man extremely passionate about a children's toy. If you haven't ever seen any Brickman's work, be sure to check out his huge LEGO models.

LEGO MASTERS Australia is for anyone. The old and the young alike will enjoy this show. I am actually finding it hard to think of anyone who wouldn't love this show. If you watch this show and you don't enjoy it, it is most likely because you either have a fear of LEGO or you don't want to like the show.
LEGO MASTERS Australia is a family show made for anyone and everyone. It is whimsical, amiable, breathtaking and marvelous. If you missed the stunning season three, be sure to catch the promised seasons four and five coming to Channel Nine in the coming years.
Director: Hamish Blake, Ryan (Brickman) McNaught
Years: 2019-
Number of seasons: 3 (reviewing season 3)
My Rating: 9/10
Review by Tristan Carr
Last edited: 23/05/21