
Inside Out is a universally loved Pixar animated film that takes a look at what goes on inside a person's head. 11-year-old Riley's five key emotions are the five main stars of the film: Joy, Sadness, Anger, Disgust and Fear. After Riley is forced to San Francisco, her emotions must navigate how to best resolve the situation.

Credit: Pixar Animation Studios
Credit: Pixar Animation Studios

Inside Out is another of Pixar's super clever movies that give us another perspective on life. After showing us the world from the perspective of breathing toys, talking cars, insects, fish, monsters in our cupboards, superheroes, cooking rats, loveable robots, old people, and bears, we now get to see the world from the perspective of brains. Every little detail in Inside Out is well thought out and is so ingenious. From brain freezes to imaginary boyfriends to the songs that get stuck in our heads, every moment of this movie gives us some hilarious and brilliant look at some aspect of our brains. Many of these finer details are picked up after numerous viewings. There were some things I only noticed for the first time upon this viewing and was laughing at. And oh yes, is this movie funny. The jokes still land when you know they're coming. Each of the five emotions are super funny and so iconic.

As you would expect, Inside Out gives you a rollercoaster of emotions. And the movie does get very sad. But it is the kind of happy sad. The kind that you get at the end of Toy Story 3. I believe bittersweet is the word that should be used to describe Inside Out. The film also gives us a good moral and something to think about. Like all other aspects of the film, this moral is cleverly woven into an enjoyable story.

Credit: Pixar Animation Studios
Credit: Pixar Animation Studios

I would have been ten when this movie came out and I first saw it. I remember enjoying it but not loving it. I think I watched it at some point between then and now so have watched it a total of three times. Out of those three viewings, I think I enjoyed it most on this viewing. I think that is because Inside Out is more directed at adults than it is at kids. I have mixed feelings about this and will try and convey them as best as possible.

Inside Out was not the first nor last Pixar movie to be aimed at an older audience. WALL-E, Up, The Good Dinosaur and Soul are all movies that I saw as a kid. Some of them I have revisited since then, others I have not; but I believe it is fairly safe to say that adults enjoy these movies as much if not more than kids. For a studio that creates movies that, at first glance, are 'kid's movies', this can be problematic. It results in the creation of films that leaves the younger generation out. However, is Inside Out unenjoyable (it's a word, look it up) for kids?

Credit: Pixar Animation Studios
Credit: Pixar Animation Studios

I would say that Inside Out can still be easily enjoyed by kids. I watched the film as a kid and enjoyed it; I didn't enjoy it as much as I did watching it as an adult but still enjoyed it. I wouldn't say that there are jokes that are specifically aimed at kids as there are jokes that are specifically aimed at adults. However, most of the jokes in the movie can be enjoyed by adults and kids alike. And maybe that best sums up the whole movie: it can be enjoyed by adults and kids alike.

If I look back on my all-time favourite animated film, Toy Story 3, I loved that movie as a child. However, I love the movie just as much now, but for different reasons. And maybe that's the same with Inside Out and all (or most) Pixar movies. Maybe they aren't adult movies, maybe they aren't kid's movies. Maybe they are family movies, meant to be enjoyed by everyone in the family. The kids will enjoy the movie but may enjoy it more as they grow up.

I cannot say that all Pixar movies succeed at this. I think that the more recent movies of Soul and Luca failed at this task. But Inside Out and Toy Story 3 are the perfect definition of family movies. (I touch a bit on this topic in my Re-View of Toy Story 3 if you wish to read more on the concept of 'family' movies.)

Credit: Pixar Animation Studios
Credit: Pixar Animation Studios

Inside Out is a good movie… for everyone. It is a very good definition of a family movie. I would say it is probably slightly more enjoyable for adults but is still a good movie for kids and will become an even better movie if they watch it when they are older.

Directors: Pete Docter, Ronnie Del Carmen

Starring: Amy Poehler, Bill Hader, Lewis Black, Mindy Kaling, Phyllis Smith

Year released: 2015

Times previously watched: 2

Re-view rating: 8.5/10

Review by Tristan Carr

Last edited: 08/10/2023