Captain America: The First Avenger is an action-packed Marvel movie released in 2011. The story tells of how one of the world's most powerful heroes received his power. Set in the middle of World War Two, the allied forces need a weapon which can stand against the rising domination of the Nazis. An intelligent scientist, played by Stanley Tucci, has discovered a serum which, when injected into a human, could create a super-soldier which would bring the war to a quicker end. The volunteer for this project is Steve Rogers played by Chris Evans.
If you are big into action movies, then Captain America: The First Avenger is not one to be missed. It has the right amount of fight scenes; not too many but enough to have you on the edge of your seat for a fair amount of time. These fight scenes were made better with the help of stunning visual effects. The most incredible of these effects was how they shrunk down Chris Evans to make him seem like a scrawny young man. Continuously throughout the scenes with skinny Chris Evans, I was trying to see how they pulled off the trick, but I failed.
There were a couple of times throughout the movie where I thought that some of the stunts seemed unrealistic. These stunts were mostly during the large fight scenes. Although these were silly and even a bit predictable, I didn't feel like they took anything away from the movie. I think that this movie is best suited for early teenage boys who would appreciate the large scale battles and wouldn't question the authenticity of the movie.
Captain America: The First Avenger features some great performances from stars such as Hayley Atwell and Chris Evans who succeed in making the film as realistic as possible. Although the film doesn't intend to be an inspirational story, it does have some morals which can be taken away and used in the real world. There is a key message which is continuously trying again and waiting patiently will someday pay off.
The film's director did a great job of making a fun movie for young teenagers which can fight problems in our world such as bullying and belittlement.
Director: Joe Johnston
Starring: Chris Evans, Tommy Lee Jones, Hugo Weaving, Hayley Atwell
Year released: 2011
My rating: 8/10
Review by Tristan Carr
Last edited: 21/02/21